Project Kalki is the voice of the voiceless. Transgender women, all over the world, have been the most marginalised, stigmatised and discriminated community for centuries. Except in Tamilnadu, our voices have not been heard anywhere in India.
This is a project to empower those women to speak who have not spoken, to hear their voices. To empower them to tell the world what they wanted to say through video films. As citizens of this great country, transgender women also care about other under privileged people and care about social problems of this country.
In this dream project, Kalki provides a Canon Legria FS 200 hanycam to seven under privileged transgender women. They are also provided with all the accessories needed for filming. These women carry the camera in their hands for a few days and shoot their stories and subjects. After one person completes the filming, she hands it over to the next girl. When all the seven girls finish their shoots, their films are edited and made as short documentary films by themselves.
These subjects these girls have chosen are all unique. For example, Gomathi wants to do a short documentary on street children, Sandhiya wants to do a story on abandoned aged people and Monal does a story on garbage pickers. Some girls have chosen the subject of their relationships.
These films will be screened at a venue in Chennai and other places in India.